Several members of the Place Creator community are going to attend the next Hungarian Ecovillage Network meeting at Galgaheviz 25-27 January. A brief report will be published on this blog in February.
My time in Oroshaza will be up in a few months. I am planning to move in to the Krishna-valley community in South-West of Hungary around the beginning of the spring agriculture season. My motivation of living in the largest and most complex ecovillage in this country is to learn how they manage with a simple lifestyle so we can use it, too. I am hoping to share most everyday activities and work with them. Although I visited quite a few ecovillages around Europe, I have never lived in for more than a week.
It will be a bit like jumping into a big time machine and travelling back to Victorian Britain, just like in the BBC series. With some difference: the BBC had cameras whereelse this village has most western goods such as electricity, telecommunication, etc. I am planning to live either in the modern village or in the guesthouse and hoping to be joined by one or two members of the Place Creator community. I am sure it will be great - well, and I am hoping to continue blogging there, too.
I created this blog to share a few bits of my life with my English, Welsh and Scottish friends. You are welcome to comment but expect no quick reply, please. - Robert, alias Garabonzo
Monday, 31 December 2012
A house with four rooms
An Indian proverb says that everyone is a house with four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time. Unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.
The Place Creator subgroups have been working on visioning solutions in the last few months. The subject of spirituality was briefly discussed on 7 December. Everyone defined what the word spirituality means for him or her. Of course, all answers were different. We listened to each other and made an effort to under-stand. We will continue next year with a full day dedicated to this subject.
We have been working in the mental room and it is time to occupy the remaining three rooms of our common virtual house. The new members plan to gain first hand experience by visiting the Krishna Valley on 5th of January, prior to the Place Creators full day meeting.
Do you visit all of your four rooms every day?
Combined meeting on 21 Dec
My tour in the Pilis Mountain was great. Starting from Budaors, I
managed to bypass the capital on the way to North and the hiking was
great with a little frost that meant no mud.
Summer and winter solstice are special times of the year in most ancient cultures and ages. Our fortnight Friday meeting fall on 21 December that was a nice coincidence. Furthermore, this was a combined Place Spotters and Place Creators meeting. Many of us were busy with families or friends already but quite a few who attended early Place Spotters meetings came for this one so we had the right number for a big circle.
I dare to say that this members' meeting was the most successful so far. We worked on a few issues in small groups, had a hands-on presentation by R Varga from Garabonc followed by a vivid discussion, listened to 'Uncle Laci' sharing his experiences of places around Hungary, recalled what Place Creators have been working on in the last few months in 6 groups, shared the good news about eleven families or couples willing to join us, held a meditation in line with the global one, had a plenary and of course, celebrated Xmas and the year end.
I am sure your supportive energies, positive thoughts or prays helped us and I thank you very much for this. The whole world is changing and we see it as crisis but it's a great opportunity if we change our perspectives. More outlines of a new era will be visible on the horizon in 2013.
Summer and winter solstice are special times of the year in most ancient cultures and ages. Our fortnight Friday meeting fall on 21 December that was a nice coincidence. Furthermore, this was a combined Place Spotters and Place Creators meeting. Many of us were busy with families or friends already but quite a few who attended early Place Spotters meetings came for this one so we had the right number for a big circle.
I dare to say that this members' meeting was the most successful so far. We worked on a few issues in small groups, had a hands-on presentation by R Varga from Garabonc followed by a vivid discussion, listened to 'Uncle Laci' sharing his experiences of places around Hungary, recalled what Place Creators have been working on in the last few months in 6 groups, shared the good news about eleven families or couples willing to join us, held a meditation in line with the global one, had a plenary and of course, celebrated Xmas and the year end.
I am sure your supportive energies, positive thoughts or prays helped us and I thank you very much for this. The whole world is changing and we see it as crisis but it's a great opportunity if we change our perspectives. More outlines of a new era will be visible on the horizon in 2013.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Place Creator meeting on 21 Dec 2012
The Place Creators had a leadership meeting I could not attend and a new meeting 10 days ago, this second one was fascinating! We started with the individual - community relation and touched the subject of spirituality. Well, how would you define spirituality? Or, what does it mean to you? This is the homework for the rest of the year as our next meeting is in the new year. Sorry to be so short, maybe more next time.
The next PC meeting falls on the notorious 21 Dec 2012 day. It will be a combined and open event with all Place Spotters invited. My guess is we will have around 50 participants, will see. The programme includes two hands-on presentations, game in small groups, PC introduction + presentation and taking part in the worldwide 20:00 GMT meditation. We also have food and drinks and even dancing, singing and celebration and a film on the daily menu. (BTW, I will keep on recommending films - as I planned actually - on a different blog later next year, thanks to Julie for the request.)
The crystal ball of the Hungarian MET predicts some snowfall for 21 December. I am planning a trip in the Pilis Mountain that is considered to be a sacred place. No idea if this is true but a morning walk is always excellent, especially if the location is close to the place where I have to be next :)
May this solstice give us the much needed shift, from hurt to healing and from fear to trust and love.
The next PC meeting falls on the notorious 21 Dec 2012 day. It will be a combined and open event with all Place Spotters invited. My guess is we will have around 50 participants, will see. The programme includes two hands-on presentations, game in small groups, PC introduction + presentation and taking part in the worldwide 20:00 GMT meditation. We also have food and drinks and even dancing, singing and celebration and a film on the daily menu. (BTW, I will keep on recommending films - as I planned actually - on a different blog later next year, thanks to Julie for the request.)
The crystal ball of the Hungarian MET predicts some snowfall for 21 December. I am planning a trip in the Pilis Mountain that is considered to be a sacred place. No idea if this is true but a morning walk is always excellent, especially if the location is close to the place where I have to be next :)
May this solstice give us the much needed shift, from hurt to healing and from fear to trust and love.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Place Creators: leadership meeting
The group of 40 Place Spotters with the aim to design a virtual ecovillage had a meeting about leadership last weekend.
The role of the leader is needed everywhere, even in a small communities as an ecovillage. It is easy to guess we do not want heads like the modern presidents, directors, commanders or managers. A good leader should be a minister who is smaller or servant in Latin. Smaller in ego, greater in service. This is my view only, because we are still discussing this in several small groups. If anyone is interested to know more drop me a line, please and I will be happy to find out if this can be shared via my English blog.
Thanks for all the encouragement to refurbish the house my mother inherited partly, however this project is not going to happen and I aim to dedicate more time and energy to to this new shared project. If you want to send me positive thoughts or pray, direct your energies to the Place Creators, please. We have started walking our path and have a long way ahead.
Fear not, advised Sathia Sai Baba for this special year.
Live the future and leave the past behind, I like to add.
(15 November 2012)
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
A day in the garden
I did some work in my mother's garden last Friday. Using up all the compost that's been piling up for nearly ten years I came close to the end of the digging this year. The sunshine was so warm a T-shirt was enough. Yellow wasps were looking for shelter or food in the thujas. A ladybird landed on my hand, climbed up and flew to freedom. Birds were singing in the backyard and in the neighbourhood. The fig tree presented the last ripen fruits before winter takes its harvest. It was a peaceful day.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Place Spotters: "Helykeresok"
I want to briefly introduce the project mentioned in my first blog entry.
One of my interests is sustainability including sustainable settlements as a way of life. The Place Spotters Project is aimed to share information of already existing or about-to-be-created locations with sustainable lifestyle. The information is shared in three ways: via website, newsletters and meetings. Registration is simple, quick and free and only Hungarian - sorry!
The second project goes beyond sharing information.
A group of around 40 Place Spotters started to design a virtual ecovillage. It is like a game, just like our lives. We work and plan our common future while having fun together. The challenge is to create a place of living in line with the ecovillage idea, on paper and in our minds. The added bonus is a community with members with working relationships and the most essential trust at the end.
UK readers likely heard about the Transition Towns movement. I've been hoping to find a way to adopt this great idea in Hungary since I attended the initial meeting in Totnes in 2006. However, it does not suit Eastern Europe, I came to realise. My view is that priority should be given to community building in Hungary and other countries of the Eastern Block. I know it sounds odd but communism destroyed communities first and did a great damage to families. We need to find new ways to rebuild the social web. This building should be based on love and trust. As trust exist in the UK already, TTs were able to start with co-operation.
With different approach, the goal of both the Hungarian project and the TTs in the UK in to enhance resilience and sustainability. Neither encourages going back to Victorian times or the Middle Ages but combines new and old technologies to do something inspiring, something great that is easy to follow or adopt. The first TT in the UK was a model and we want to create a model, too. A model for way of living, way of life. A way out of the present crisis.
More to come later. Please give me some encouragement by leaving your comment if you find this interesting. Thanks for reading.
One of my interests is sustainability including sustainable settlements as a way of life. The Place Spotters Project is aimed to share information of already existing or about-to-be-created locations with sustainable lifestyle. The information is shared in three ways: via website, newsletters and meetings. Registration is simple, quick and free and only Hungarian - sorry!
The second project goes beyond sharing information.
A group of around 40 Place Spotters started to design a virtual ecovillage. It is like a game, just like our lives. We work and plan our common future while having fun together. The challenge is to create a place of living in line with the ecovillage idea, on paper and in our minds. The added bonus is a community with members with working relationships and the most essential trust at the end.
UK readers likely heard about the Transition Towns movement. I've been hoping to find a way to adopt this great idea in Hungary since I attended the initial meeting in Totnes in 2006. However, it does not suit Eastern Europe, I came to realise. My view is that priority should be given to community building in Hungary and other countries of the Eastern Block. I know it sounds odd but communism destroyed communities first and did a great damage to families. We need to find new ways to rebuild the social web. This building should be based on love and trust. As trust exist in the UK already, TTs were able to start with co-operation.
With different approach, the goal of both the Hungarian project and the TTs in the UK in to enhance resilience and sustainability. Neither encourages going back to Victorian times or the Middle Ages but combines new and old technologies to do something inspiring, something great that is easy to follow or adopt. The first TT in the UK was a model and we want to create a model, too. A model for way of living, way of life. A way out of the present crisis.
More to come later. Please give me some encouragement by leaving your comment if you find this interesting. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Mother's house being refurbished
The traditional house project is on hold, due to the long bureaucratic procedure. It might never happen, I see now. I started repainting the wall in both rooms of my mother's house.
The wallpaper was removed to uncover hidden wall damages. The wall surface was smothered and lime whitened that is the traditional painting method so clay walls can 'breathe'.
The wallpaper was removed to uncover hidden wall damages. The wall surface was smothered and lime whitened that is the traditional painting method so clay walls can 'breathe'.
My godfather wanted to be an electrician. My grandmother feared his life so he became a carpenter instead.
I can be an electrician whenever I want.
Electric socket moved and replaced.
The project is nearly finished.
Warm Autumn sunshine ripens figs in the garden.
The hard winter killed most of its branches but the root survived.
Morning walk is still one of my favourite activities.
Sunrise - beautiful as ever.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Traditional house inherited by family
The last lag of my bicycle ride brought me back to my native town Oroshaza. The below picture is of a farm selling pumpkin seeds near Csongrad :)
Riding and re-exploring the countryside was just what I needed. It enabled me to reconnect with the land and its people. I focused on two counties: Somogy where I used to live for 8 years and the mostly unknown Zala. Both are in the South West, far from the capital. Cycled around the lake Balaton in the hot August, 35C in shade midday. I tried to get a sense of places and to have an idea of property quality, quantity and value. Prices are still going down, especially in less populated areas far from city or town. Gipsy minorities living close in good numbers also mean lower prices. There are quite a few abandoned traditional homes, damp with leaking roof or unrepairable already. My mother also inherited a share of a traditional house with a small garden and a bit of an agricultural land a few weeks ago. All heirs were interested in the land and far less in the house, some even gave up their share of it. This house has been abandoned for 3 years and it is located only half a mile from my mother's. All four remaining owners say it should be demolished.
I used to be involved in small scale building projects before working for a multinational company in Hungary than moving to the UK in 2006. I visited this house mid-week to realize how a skilled tradesman, using quite a lot of time, energy and money, could refurbish and save this house. The sell price will be the price of the land and I decided to go for it. Restoration and refurbishment - this might be my future path? Anything is possible. I intend to learn traditional building techniques, farrierry and traditional agriculture with its native species and find out how these can be combined with new cross bred species, welding, drainage fixing, etc. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? It will take years to learn, I know... I want to make a start now at least and expect that I will surely need to specialize on one or two areas.
The area of the garden and the house is 1000 m2. Not big at all, rather small. Repairing the roof and insulating the walls are the first two tasks. I will hire an expert or buy a tool and do it myself. This house shall be my 'training ground' :) I will need tools like this and proper insulation materials. I am hoping to do it alright so the house will stay in one piece :) Whatever happens, it's the beginning of a lifelong learning!
Actually, the front does not look too bad.
I have not mentioned the Location Finders' 1 Sept meeting that will be followed by another meeting on 21 September. Something great started on the first of September and we all felt it in the air, something that might even be the core of a potential new Hungarian ecovillage or sustainable community. I am definitely going to contribute to it.
Interested in local products, I am planning to take part in a Local Product Festival in Mikohaza, North East of Hungary. I have been abstinent lately (for nearly two years with a few exceptions), however I will meet one of the best selections of Hungarian wines at this festival so it might prove to be difficult... I will do my best and keep my milk bottle ready :)
Riding and re-exploring the countryside was just what I needed. It enabled me to reconnect with the land and its people. I focused on two counties: Somogy where I used to live for 8 years and the mostly unknown Zala. Both are in the South West, far from the capital. Cycled around the lake Balaton in the hot August, 35C in shade midday. I tried to get a sense of places and to have an idea of property quality, quantity and value. Prices are still going down, especially in less populated areas far from city or town. Gipsy minorities living close in good numbers also mean lower prices. There are quite a few abandoned traditional homes, damp with leaking roof or unrepairable already. My mother also inherited a share of a traditional house with a small garden and a bit of an agricultural land a few weeks ago. All heirs were interested in the land and far less in the house, some even gave up their share of it. This house has been abandoned for 3 years and it is located only half a mile from my mother's. All four remaining owners say it should be demolished.
I used to be involved in small scale building projects before working for a multinational company in Hungary than moving to the UK in 2006. I visited this house mid-week to realize how a skilled tradesman, using quite a lot of time, energy and money, could refurbish and save this house. The sell price will be the price of the land and I decided to go for it. Restoration and refurbishment - this might be my future path? Anything is possible. I intend to learn traditional building techniques, farrierry and traditional agriculture with its native species and find out how these can be combined with new cross bred species, welding, drainage fixing, etc. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? It will take years to learn, I know... I want to make a start now at least and expect that I will surely need to specialize on one or two areas.
The area of the garden and the house is 1000 m2. Not big at all, rather small. Repairing the roof and insulating the walls are the first two tasks. I will hire an expert or buy a tool and do it myself. This house shall be my 'training ground' :) I will need tools like this and proper insulation materials. I am hoping to do it alright so the house will stay in one piece :) Whatever happens, it's the beginning of a lifelong learning!
Actually, the front does not look too bad.
I have not mentioned the Location Finders' 1 Sept meeting that will be followed by another meeting on 21 September. Something great started on the first of September and we all felt it in the air, something that might even be the core of a potential new Hungarian ecovillage or sustainable community. I am definitely going to contribute to it.
Interested in local products, I am planning to take part in a Local Product Festival in Mikohaza, North East of Hungary. I have been abstinent lately (for nearly two years with a few exceptions), however I will meet one of the best selections of Hungarian wines at this festival so it might prove to be difficult... I will do my best and keep my milk bottle ready :)
Hungary 2012 August bicycle ride
Ramblings in the South West of Hungary
(18 August 2012 - 4 September 2012)
(18 August 2012 - 4 September 2012)
Orosháza - Bösztörpuszta (festival, 3 days) - Dunavecse - Balatonkenese - Pécsely - Keszthely - Zalaszántó - Keszthely - Hévíz - Sármellék - Zalakaros - Garabonc - Kehidakustány - Felsőpáhok - Nemesbük - Fonyódliget - Csisztafürdő/Csisztapuszta (camping & thermal bath, 2 days) - Buzsák - Somogyvár - Kaposvár - Igal - Köröshegy/M7 viadukt, Siófok - Füle - Papkeszi - Ősi - Nádasdladány - Sárszentmihály - Székesfehérvár - Pákozd - Érd - Budapest (bike repair and meetings, 3 days) - Ócsa - Kecskemét - Lakitelek/Tőserdő - Csongrád - Szentes - Orosháza.
Saddle change (in Keszthely), frame welding (in Budapest), punctures x7 (one day before the last)
Temple tent of the national festival @ Bosztorpuszta tent city
The extreme heat causes low water level in the lake Balaton
Csisztapuszta thermal bath is a good alternative when the weather at the lake Balaton is bad
The highest and longest Hungarian motorway viaduct @ Koroshegy (as far as I know)
This is my favourite spring water, the taste is similar to the 'borviz' of Transylvania
Goodbye summer of 2012
Saturday, 18 August 2012
It was interesting to go through unexpected emotions in the last two weeks: Feeling lost and pathless although I know what I want: finding a new place and establish a new life. It took some time to realise that I am going through a period of grief and actually saying goodbye to my life as it was in the UK... This was one of the reasons why I could not start the blog. I felt a bit depressed and a bit lost despite the joyful train journey and meeting similar minded open people that was such a gift from the universe or God or both :)
Every beginning is hard special.
Travelling to Hungary by train took a few days with no problems.
A serendipity sequence started even before being back in Hungary by an email about a like-minded location quest group. This group was formed a few months back and they planned their next meeting at the same weekend not too far from Oroshaza. I attended the meeting and it was just the right event and the right company to start my search for a suitable location and maybe a suitable community! I am planning to attend their next meeting in the capital on 1st September; hoping to add a blog of this meeting.
I was hesitant to ask for jobseekers allowance but decided to apply at the end. It turned out that I should have applied in the UK (180 days, contribution based) and get it transferred to Hungary. I have not done this so I am only entitled to get the Hungarian contribution based JSA for 90 days. Never mind, I am planning an Indian trip from mid-January so could not use it for the full 180 days anyway. Tomorrow is the first day of my quest for finding a new location in South West of Hungary. I will put up an update in the 2nd week of September latest.
I was hesitant to ask for jobseekers allowance but decided to apply at the end. It turned out that I should have applied in the UK (180 days, contribution based) and get it transferred to Hungary. I have not done this so I am only entitled to get the Hungarian contribution based JSA for 90 days. Never mind, I am planning an Indian trip from mid-January so could not use it for the full 180 days anyway. Tomorrow is the first day of my quest for finding a new location in South West of Hungary. I will put up an update in the 2nd week of September latest.
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