Thursday, 31 December 2015

2015 and beyond

2015 was a great year. I moved out from my first community to live with my girlfriend. Along with five more friends we started the Mi-Csoda community that is only ten minutes walk from Rugy on 15 June 2015. We are now four couples sharing one house in the Pismany area of Szentendre.

Follow us on our Facebook page and our website (English version is coming).

I am connected to all. My life and well-being are connected to all others. Our dream is community living in a settlement similar to an ecovillage. The name of the project is Further details including location are to be decided in the following months.

On the last day of this year we are listing all that we were thankful for in 2015. We enter the new year with gratitude in our hearts. We want to walk on the path that brings love and grace not only for ourselves but for everyone. Including you. Most important:"Never believe a prediction that doesn't empower you."

We wish you a peaceful and happy 2016.