Thursday, 25 December 2014

2014 and beyond

2014 was the first year I lived in a real community my friends and I created.

At the beginning the whole new kind of lifestyle seemed new and exciting.  It took some time to pass the buzz.  I came to realise there is nothing special in living with others.  Joint meals, shared cooking and gardening, scheduled cleaning all can be fun.  Having friends and/or family members around used to be the way how people lived in the previous centuries.

Our initial commitment was valid for one year and it is the time for evaluation.  What have we learned?  How shall we improve the community life?  How do each and every member of the community want to live?  Everyone has to face these questions.  Individual decisions create individual futures that adds up to joint future.

It is an exciting time for the community.  Two members, one is Ferenc and the other is me are leaving in January.  Further interest and new members are welcome as always.  A leader needs to be selected and internal agreements need to be made, it has been stated.  Uncertainty as unspoken and unmanaged tension is being risen and will calm down with the arrival of the new structure and new members only.  We shall see what happens.

I keep cutting down on physical objects to become even more flexible with less matter.  The less I have the more flexible I shall be.  I've given up defined plans as well.  I've decided to open up all possibilities from February.  The only plan is to participate on a ten-days long Vipassana meditation course in the first half of February.  Next is uncertainty.  I might stay in Szentendre or might move to the capital or to the countryside or go abroad.  I will see.

I might give a further update about Rugy Community.  In the meantime, the FaceBook page is going to be maintained and updated regularly at

Sweet dreams

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ― C.G. Jung

Being unaware of the dream I called life, I used to be dreaming pre-2012.  I am aware some of my dreams now.  I know that I am dreaming, in an unconscious-like situation.  It is far from awakening.  I want to wake up, become awaken.  “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ― C.G. Jung

Monday, 25 August 2014


I attended a Kundalini awareness seminar in Ireland and finished my metamorphic technique training this Spring. I am learning additional healing techniques to be able to create and use my unique one that is my own voice in the network of human energies. My favourite is a combination of the metamorphic technique and diapositive method (diapozitív metódus) at the moment.

At Szentendre, seeds of additional small communities have been sawn. The film 'I am' has been translated and subtitled and will be available to view shortly. The world is changing and we are all changing in line with it. Some feel this change while most not. However, the change is inevitable. What it will be like, is our decision. Inconvenient for the fearful, warlike for warriors, punishing for sinners. Different for everybody. Be ready for it.

New language is needed

A new non-verbal language is needed.

"If we're ever going to interact with our bodies, if we're wanting to heal our bodies, if we're wanting to create peace in our families and our communities, we must speak to the fields that connect all things.
We must find a meaningful language, a non-verbal language that communicates with the stuff that this world is made of." (

We live in the period of GRACE followed by the period of PURIFICATION before the period of RENEWAL.

(09 April 2014)

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


if you don't have enough madness in you
go and rehabilitate yourself

if you've lost a hundred times the chess game of this life
be prepared to lose one more

if you're the wounded string of a harp on this stage
play once more then resonate no more

if you're that exhausted bird fighting a falcon for too long
make a comeback and be strong

you've carved a wooden horse
riding and calling it real
fooling yourself in life
though only a wooden horse
ride it again my friend
and gallop to the next post
you've never really listened
to what God has always
tried to tell you
yet you keep hoping
after your mock prayers
salvation will arrive

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Is 'challenging existing paradigms' allowed?

Rupert Sheldrake, a frequent visitor teacher of my favourite holistic education college in Dartington tells what is wrong with the existing paradigm that defines our institutions we depend on.  In a TED lecture he uses the very same method to test a few basic core principles embedded in the existing scientific paradigm.  In a related radio interview he tells how science cannot recognise its dogmatism regarding the scientific world view.

On a different note, science is capable to ignore proven therories especially when they are not in the frame of the materalistic world view based on the existing scientific paradigm.  Masaru Emoto's memory of the water, Ian Stevenson's research on reincarnation are just a few of the many examples.  Regardless, the paradigm is shifting.

Friday, 31 January 2014

The year of creation

Chariot is the symbol of the year 2014.

My stories not important, except one.  It's about a lovely Indian lady called Amma who travels around the world and embraces, hugs all who wish to be in her presence.  I started planning a trip to see her in London.  But two days to go, I decided to postpone seeing her.  I will see her in this life, I am sure.  It can be later this year or next year.  If you have a chance, go and see her. She simply loving and great. 

I started the year with living in a community in Szentendre.  We rent a family home of 400 square meters a quarter an hour walk from the river Danube.  This is a convenient location for town centre and its frequent public transport to Budapest is convenient for future commuters.

View from the front gate

Community living is a great opportunity to find out what drives one up on the wall, what is tolerated and what isn't, how one can communicate in a non-violent way and so on. We all have fears and hopes and lots more feelings that we are not aware and these all come up during connecting and interacting.  All people living in communities can work on existing disorders or simply feelings because challanges are more intense and the environment is inspiring.

 Great hall

We want to bring quite a few events here.  The organisers of communities convergence is meeting here to plan and develop this year's meeting.  Various self-help, healing and transformation methods are applied.  An event to share and sell local food will be organised in the spring.  Joined the dining room, a huge lounge with an attached library are ideal for training and meeting.

My new year's resolution is to do more blogging this year.  Your comments would surely help me to stick to this :)


The gifted understands the gift. The ignorant walks in circles.