I am going on a journey again, just like I did last year.
I am planning to return to the UK to see my old friends.
I shall continue to write more posts about past and future.
My new style is a little more poetic and I hope you'll like it.
The first poem is a quote from the Ingmar Bergman film 'In the Presence of a Clown'.
'Prisoner, leave your prison!
Consider then, that you are your own judge...
and your own goaler.
Prisoner, leave your prison!
To your astonishment,
you will find that no one will stop you.
The reality outside prison is indeed terrifying...
but never as terrifying
as your anguish down in that locked room.
Take your first step towards freedom.
It is not difficult.
The second step is more difficult...
but never allow yourself to be defeated by your goalers... who are only your own fear and your own pride.'