Monday, 31 December 2012

2013 Q1-Q2 plans

Several members of the Place Creator community are going to attend the next Hungarian Ecovillage Network meeting at Galgaheviz 25-27 January.  A brief report will be published on this blog in February.

My time in Oroshaza will be up in a few months.  I am planning to move in to the Krishna-valley community in South-West of Hungary around the beginning of the spring agriculture season.  My motivation of living in the largest and most complex ecovillage in this country is to learn how they manage with a simple lifestyle so we can use it, too.  I am hoping to share most everyday activities and work with them.  Although I visited quite a few ecovillages around Europe, I have never lived in for more than a week. 

It will be a bit like jumping into a big time machine and travelling back to Victorian Britain, just like in the BBC series.  With some difference: the BBC had cameras whereelse this village has most western goods such as electricity, telecommunication, etc.  I am planning to live either in the modern village or in the guesthouse and hoping to be joined by one or two members of the Place Creator community.  I am sure it will be great - well, and I am hoping to continue blogging there, too.

A house with four rooms

An Indian proverb says that everyone is a house with four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time.  Unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.

The Place Creator subgroups have been working on visioning solutions in the last few months.  The subject of spirituality was briefly discussed on 7 December.  Everyone defined what the word spirituality means for him or her.  Of course, all answers were different.  We listened to each other and made an effort to under-stand.  We will continue next year with a full day dedicated to this subject.

We have been working in the mental room and it is time to occupy the remaining three rooms of our common virtual house.  The new members plan to gain first hand experience by visiting the Krishna Valley on 5th of January, prior to the Place Creators full day meeting.

Do you visit all of your four rooms every day?

Combined meeting on 21 Dec

My tour in the Pilis Mountain was great.  Starting from Budaors, I managed to bypass the capital on the way to North  and the hiking was great with a little frost that meant no mud.

Summer and winter solstice are special times of the year in most ancient cultures and ages.  Our fortnight Friday meeting fall on 21 December that was a nice coincidence.  Furthermore, this was a combined Place Spotters and Place Creators meeting.  Many of us were busy with families or friends already but quite a few who attended early Place Spotters meetings came for this one so we had the right number for a big circle.

I dare to say that this members' meeting was the most successful so far.  We worked on a few issues in small groups, had a hands-on presentation by R Varga from Garabonc followed by a vivid discussion, listened to 'Uncle Laci' sharing his experiences of places around Hungary, recalled what Place Creators have been working on in the last few months in 6 groups, shared the good news about eleven families or couples willing to join us, held a meditation in line with the global one, had a plenary and of course, celebrated Xmas and the year end.

I am sure your supportive energies, positive thoughts or prays helped us and I thank you very much for this.  The whole world is changing and we see it as crisis but it's a great opportunity if we change our perspectives.  More outlines of a new era will be visible on the horizon in 2013.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Place Creator meeting on 21 Dec 2012

The Place Creators had a leadership meeting I could not attend and a new meeting 10 days ago, this second one was fascinating!  We started with the individual - community relation and touched the subject of spirituality.  Well, how would you define spirituality?  Or, what does it mean to you?  This is the homework for the rest of the year as our next meeting is in the new year.  Sorry to be so short, maybe more next time.

The next PC meeting falls on the notorious 21 Dec 2012 day.  It will be a combined and open event with all Place Spotters invited.  My guess is we will have around 50 participants, will see.  The programme includes two hands-on presentations, game in small groups, PC introduction + presentation and taking part in the worldwide 20:00 GMT meditation. We also have food and drinks and even dancing, singing and celebration and a film on the daily menu. (BTW, I will keep on recommending films - as I planned actually - on a different blog later next year, thanks to Julie for the request.)

The crystal ball of the Hungarian MET predicts some snowfall for 21 December.  I am planning a trip in the Pilis Mountain that is considered to be a sacred place.  No idea if this is true but a morning walk is always excellent, especially if the location is close to the place where I have to be next :)

May this solstice give us the much needed shift, from hurt to healing and from fear to trust and love.